
ECG killing our country's creative art industries-Wanlov the Kubolor

Ghanaian musician Wanlov the Kubolor has lamented that the worsening situation of the energy crisis in Ghana is having an adverse impact on the country’s creative arts industry.

According to Wanlov, a lot of musicians keep postponing their recording sessions and projects while entertainment events and concert organisers also keep cancelling shows due to the erratic power supply.

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 The ‘dumsor’ has already affected we the people in the creative industry in many ways. A lot of projects could not go on. We keep postponing our recordings because of the lights off. Some studios which record and mix daily are not able to make their money anymore because most of these studios cannot mix or record with generators and the noise it generates,”

He has therefore recommend that since there is constant sunlight in this part of the world, it is about time estate developers and the government incoperate solar panels into their designs so that individuals could generates power by themselves.

SOURCE: Pluzz 89.9


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